Mini soup dumplings 
Mini soup dumplings 

This famous snack from Shanghai has spread throughout the Chinese world. It is made with pork and pork skin boiled in chicken broth wrapped in dough and steamed. They are carefully wrapped using 14 folds to make buns that “look like a bell on the bottom and a lantern on top”. After being steamed until the skin is translucent, they are served with soy sauce, vinegar, and ginger.

Crispy Salt & Pepper Chicken

Crispy Salt & Pepper Chicken 

 One of Taiwan’s most popular snacks. The name originally referred to breaded deep fried chunks of chicken, but is now used for a wide variety of deep fried foods including tempura, dried mushrooms, silver rolls, green corn, and dried tofu. Basil is often added right before it is served for a burst of flavor.

Stinky tofu 

Stinky tofu 

 As any lover of stinky tofu will tell you, the stinkier the better! Many people are afraid to try this pungent dish, but everyone agrees that once you do you’ll be hooked. This simple dish is prepared by frying fermented tofu in oil then cutting it into bite-sized chunks. It is usually served with sweet and sour pickled vegetables to complement its crispy–outside/ spongy-inside texture.

Oyster vermicelli

Oyster vermicelli 

 No trip to the night market would be complete without a bowl of oyster noodles. Fresh oysters are added to red flour noodles and broth thickened with starch, then served with stewed sausage, black vinegar, and a special sauce and topped with cilantro for a delicious and satisfying snack.

Ba-wan (Taiwanese meatball)

Ba-wan (Taiwanese meatball) 

Changhwa and Hsinchu are particularly famous for their ba-wan, the former specializing in fried ba-wan, and the latter in steamed. This traditional snack is made from pork, mushrooms, and dried bamboo shoots stuffed in dough made from rice flour and potato starch. It’s a chewy, fragrant treat that’s not to be missed.

Chicken rice 

Chicken rice 

One of Chiayi’s most famous dishes, chicken rice is eaten for lunch and dinner, as a midnight snack, or even for breakfast. It is traditionally made from white rice smothered in chicken and chicken gravy, but there are many variations. Chiayi chicken rice has many admirers throughout Taiwan.

Braised pork rice

Braised pork rice 

An endearing traditional favorite, this dish became popular in the post-war era when meat was a luxury that was only available on special occasions. It is traditionally made with inexpensive meat from a pig’s head and ears cooked in soy sauce, red onions and spices. Widely available in night markets, this traditional dish is definitely worth a try.

Shrimp rolls

Shrimp rolls

Shrimp rolls are made with fresh shrimp, minced pork, fish sauce, celery and onions wrapped in pork skin and deep fried, then served with a sweet sauce. Unbelievably delicious!

Oyster omelet

Oyster omelet 

A very popular item, these omelettes are made from fresh oysters coated in potato or sweet potato starch and fried on a skillet with eggs and onions, then served with a special sweet and sour sauce. A taste you won’t soon forget.

Pearl milk tea

Pearl milk tea 

Also known as bubble tea, this drink was created in Taichung by mixing black tea and chewy tapioca balls. Its popularity quickly spread, and now you can find pearl milk tea wherever you find Chinese people throughout the world.

Source : Taiwan.Gov.Tw

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